Shifts: Advanced Tab
Rounding Rules
- Round In Punches - Select the rounding rule to use for In punches.
- Round Out Punches - Select the rounding rule to use for out punches.
- Apply Hours to Date of Out Punch - Select this option if you want the total hours for the shift to be applied to the day of the Out punch. Typically this setting would only be used with a shift that crosses midnight.
- Allow Combined Breaks - Select this option if you want to allow employees to combine multiple breaks and take them at the same time.
- Shift Uses Lockouts - Select this option if you want to restrict the employees from punching In too early or Out too late at the clock. Additional settings will appear when this option is selected.
- Shift Crosses Midnight - Select this option if the end of the shift is midnight (12:00 AM) or after. For example, a shift that starts at 11:00 PM and ends at 7:30 AM.
- Multiple Day Shift (Greater than 24 Hours) - Select this option if the shift will be longer than 24 hours. For example, a continuous 3 day shift would use this option.
Wed 12/05/2018
Allow Combined Breaks
Shift Uses Lockouts